STUDIO TOUR! (and why hiring an organizer is a GREAT idea)
**Since I wrote this, Orchid Organizing has become Kate Waldo and Co. Same person, same great organizing, new name!
Welcome to what will probably be my favorite post of the year!
This one is- let me warn you- a real peek into my worst nightmare. (aka what my studio used to look like) Then, it ends with my dream! (which is a gorgeous new studio that actually makes sense!) Also brace yourselves-- this post is long one. But it's my blog, so it can be!
Let's start at the beginning: I work from home. In each apartment or house I've lived in, There's always been a second or third bedroom that I've used as my office. I've never been thrilled with the offices I've had- mostly because they felt a little cluttered and messy *at all times*. Last February, we moved into our new house (the first one where we weren't renting!) the week before our wedding. What the heck was I thinking! But I'm still glad we did it. It was so nice to host our out of town friends in our new home, even though it was an insane amount of work getting it all put together right before the wedding.
All of that said, my studio and corresponding hall closets ended up being the place where the "i don't know where this should go but it can't go here" stuff ended up during the move, and then during every important visit or cleaning session after. On top of that, I never actually sat down and took the time to think about what I wanted the room to look like and how I could make it more functional and "Megan Carn" instead of just being the room I use to paint.
At the end of February, the situation was at a critical point. This year has been my busiest yet (yay!) but the room showed it. It was stressful, STRESSFUL to say the least- other words I would use are overwhelming, yikes, disaster, mess, horror... I could go on. I would spend a few hours "cleaning" but then within a week it was back like it was before I cleaned. I was working at our kitchen table instead of going in my studio when I could, and I was literally avoiding going in because I couldn't even imagine having the time to clean it again.
By some miracle, Orchid Organizing appeared in my Instagram feed. I think someone I follow mentioned it, and I followed immediately. (and 10 minutes later, I was on the phone with Kate!) I loved her personality and website and before I knew it, she was scheduled to come the next week to help me whip my studio into shape. Obviously when you see the photos, you'll want to immediately call her. Just in case you don't immediately want to call her, or any organizer, here are some reasons you should:
1) She had a plan, and she saw things I never would have even thought of for the space. (ex: see closet picture.)
2) She took a full carload of donate/throw away stuff with her. I didn't have to find a place to take it OR take it myself.
3) Let's pretend I could have imagined the things we changed (I couldn't have)- it would have taken me a full week to do it on my own. We wrapped this thing up in 6 hours! (6!?) And then, it was done. Forever! Kate is a machine.
4) She gave me a brief list of things to get before she came, and even offered to pick them up for me. But overall, she was here to work with what I had, and I am on a budget, so that is great.
5) My mind is at peace. I can see where things are, I'm not constantly looking for things, and I can walk in and breathe again.
So finally, here we are- before and after photos. Disclaimer: these before photos are not staged. They were taken 4 days before the organizing occurred, and they are a true representation of where we really were when we started. Again, yikes.
There they are! In all their glory. But now, it's time for the afters:
Photos by my new friend and photographer, Mac Jones.
WHHHAAAAAT!? (debating with myself about what to do with this ceiling fan. paint it? replace it? leave it?)
Can you believe it? The shelf is in the closet. So much better.
Pegboard DIY coming soon!
I am finally a plant lady! I've gotten this question in the past- my antique Singer base was my grandmother's, and I use it to paint. It's been a fixture in every studio since I started painting full-time. Pink planter // Strawberry Planter
These drawers from IKEA came in clutch for storing the 20- some odd prints I carry. And, I don't mind how they look! I'll be adding some new legs soon instead of the black casters.
Effie is THRILLED with the changes, and she now has an area to lay while I work. My dreams of a studio dog are finally coming true!
In a great move, we decided to take the closet doors off. I am so glad! Look at this! I have canvas storage, kept my little drawers, and I have all of my other supplies in here too.
Scotch and friends...
Stationery organizers, clutch.
Hey, Scotch! (TANK DIY)
I saw this pillow and absolutely had to have it. It's large and for the size, a great price! Shop it here: Kailo Chic
Well, that is that! My studio is finally livable. It's amazing how much easier it is to work and keep it tidy now that everything actually has a home. I've been working in here almost every day for over 6 months and it still looks (almost) like this! I can hardly believe it.
Weigh in on the ceiling fan issue below! Also, call Kate Jones @ Orchid Organizing, seriously. It changed this space and everything I do in it. I love it.
Here's one more great photo for the road of my studio dog and me: